GMOs: Road to sustainable agriculture

Eshna Gogia
7 min readOct 14, 2017

“Hello, my friends, don’t be afraid of me. I’m here to solve one of your many problems- World Hunger”, said a Genetically Modified (GM) Potato.

Decades have passed since Genetic Engineering and Agriculture were linked positively in the media at least. We love the idea of a sustainable society but we detest the idea that leads to it. We talk of creating life on other planets but the lives on our own planet are suffering miserably.

Credit: Ryan Megan

Food insecurity and malnutrition are serious concerns across the globe. Over 796 million people out of a total 7.3 billion population are suffering from chronic undernourishment. And millions lose their lives due to inadequate consumption of basic nutrients. One of the major challenges before the food and agricultural industry is to develop and implement a sustainable system.

Our crops need to be genetically improved to withstand conditions like climate change, low water availability, rising soil salinity, and attacks by pathogens and insects.

We produce enough food for the entire planet. But over 800 million people still suffer from hunger. Why?

About 2.9 trillion pounds of food is lost per year. Let’s consider the “Non-GM, Conventional Potato”. Browning and…



Eshna Gogia

PM Republic of Work | Lead HBAN | Exploring the startup ecosystem for tools that promote the idea of sustainability - blogs on Sustainability & Deeptech