Hellenic blockchain Hub @ IBM Cloud event — 25/6

Monday 25th of June, 16:00 to 20:00 at the Goulandris Natural History Museum

Giorgos Karamanolis
Hellenic Blockchain Hub (EL)
1 min readJun 13, 2018


Georgios Karamanolis, Co-founder & CTO/CIO @ Crowdpolicy and President of the Hellenic blockchain Hub will join in the Cloud technologies IBM event on Monday 25th of June at the Goulandris Natural History Museum


Event Details



Giorgos Karamanolis
Hellenic Blockchain Hub (EL)

Co-Founder & CTO/CIO at Crowdpolicy (CP), focused on digital transformation, startups, #fintech #civictech #opendata #opengovernment