How to Manage your Team without Investing a Ton of Time

Hello Accelo
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2016

Managing a team at a digital agency can be painful if your business is growing and you’re feeling yourself spread thin. The good news? It doesn’t need to be that way. With the right resources, managing your entire team can be as simple as logging into a single dashboard.

Here are three things to look for that’ll make managing your team’s time and resources simpler:

1. Have a unified team schedule

What if you could know who to assign to what project or task based on their skills and availability? Smart technology exists that could give you a complete overview of your team’s resources and schedules — all through a single dashboard. You wouldn’t have to go and check in with people individually to see who can take on what. Plus, you’d know who is working on what (and when) with a real-time utilization report. That way, you could easily keep track of schedules and budgets, while managing priorities and deadlines.

2. Use a project collaboration tool

If you’re currently collaborating with your team on projects or client work over email or a chat platform, it’s important to note that this might implicate the quality of your work — let me explain. It creates a divide between where actual work is being done and where communication regarding that work is being had. With a tool that allows you to communicate and collaborate freely within the platform you’re working on, everything would be streamlined in one centralized place (with nothing falling through the cracks).

3. Streamline your task management

If your agency is experiencing growing pains, managing your team members’ extensive task lists without an integrated platform is worrisome. Why? Because it’s not scalable. If you could assign and split tasks to your team, or work with another team member to finalize a task together, it would make it easy for everyone to collaborate (while seeing progress made through a team view). The best part? It gives your team the tools they need to manage every project, task, issue or contract together.

Managing your team should be seamless so that you can focus on your company’s biggest challenges and get back to the work you love. If you’re feeling yourself spread thin trying to stay on top of everything, you should check this out.

Originally published at



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