Benefits of group therapy

Group therapy can be an effective means of treatment for mental health conditions and more.

Astrid Casimire
Hello Alpha
3 min readMay 7, 2021


Psychotherapy or talk therapy involves working with a licensed therapist. A therapist can help guide you to solutions for difficult situations in life while helping you develop healthy stress management techniques and coping mechanisms.

In group therapy, a group of people — which can vary in size — work together with one or two therapists over their shared concerns. Group therapy may be combined with individual therapy or other treatment like medication.

For example, group therapy may help people through mental health conditions like anxiety or depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, and more.

Group therapy can also provide a path to recovery for someone going through a difficult situation (like grieving the loss of a loved one) or other concerns like anger management, trauma, or chronic illness.

Here are some of the benefits of group therapy. Many of these principles are outlined in The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy, a widely-referenced book by Irvin D. Yalom.

It gives people hope for recovery

In a group setting, seeing other people going through a similar situation or grappling with similar struggles can help one feel less alone.

Members of the group may progress through their treatment differently. It’s encouraging to witness someone make progress in their recovery as it gives hope that you can do the same.

Provides opportunities to learn from other members of the group

During group therapy, group members share with the therapist and each other. They may share information and advice that could be helpful to other members of the group.

In sharing and learning from each other, group members may learn more about themselves and may be able to model the positive behaviors of other group members.

Provides a safe support system

In a group therapy session, people may be able to practice the behaviors they are trying to embody in other areas of their lives.

Group therapy is a safe and supportive environment for practicing those behaviors. Plus, group members can give encouragement and reassurance, which can instill a sense of confidence in other members.

Creates a feeling of family and belonging

Yalom indicated that group therapy could mimic a family dynamic, with the therapist playing the role of a supportive parent.

This dynamic may help people explore their childhood experiences and how those experiences affected their personality and behaviors. Moreover, people can then work through difficult family and childhood events in a safe setting.

Can be more affordable than individual therapy

For some, cost can be a barrier to mental healthcare or therapy. Group therapy may be less expensive than individual therapy.

This can make it more accessible for people who cannot afford regular therapy to get the support that they need.

At Alpha, we provide healthcare — including mental health treatment — that meets your needs from the comfort of your home. Following an online consultation, we will come up with a personal treatment plan just for you, then deliver medicine straight to your door.

In the case of therapy for mental health treatment, we’ll connect you to our partner, BetterHelp, which provides online therapy sessions. To learn more or get started, check out our website today!

