How to prevent STIs

Astrid Casimire
Hello Alpha
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2020
smiling woman behind smiling man with arm around his chest

Anyone who is sexually active is at risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). But there’s no need to worry. STIs are common — there were nearly 2.5 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in the U.S. in 2018, according to the CDC.

With regular testing and safe sex practices, you could protect yourself and your partner from getting infected. Here are some tips on STI prevention.

Use protection during sex.

When used correctly, condoms are the most reliable way to prevent STI transmission. Use condoms each time you have sex and for the entirety of the sexual act. Check out these tips from the CDC on the correct way to use a male condom.

Get vaccinated.

Not all STIs have a vaccine, but vaccines are available and recommended for HPV and Hepatitis B. The CDC recommends that everyone gets an HPV vaccination starting at 11 or 12 years old, and through age 26 if you haven’t been vaccinated already. The Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended from birth, so definitely get vaccinated if you weren’t as a child.

Practice abstinence, monogamy, or limit sexual partners.

Not having sex — vaginal, anal, or oral — is the most reliable and effective way to avoid an STI.

Reducing the number of sexual partners you have decreases your risk of contracting an STI. Another option is to have mutual monogamy with your partner — meaning you both agree to have sex only with each other.

Talk with your partner about getting tested.

Before having sex with a new partner, have a conversation about STIs and getting tested. Nervous about starting the conversation? provides conversation starters for STI testing and MTV’s “It’s your (sex) life” campaign has great tips for talking to your partner. Being open and honest about STIs helps you and your partner be aware so you can take precautions and protect each other.

If you test positive, follow treatment instructions.

Many STIs can be managed, and some even cured, with treatment and medication. Its best to abstain from sex until your treatment is over, so that you won’t spread it to another person.

Know the facts.

STIs do not have to be a taboo subject. Learning all about STIs can empower you to make informed decisions to protect yourself and others. Remember, STIs are very common so you’re not alone.

Talk with your doctor about getting tested.

If you are interested in STI testing, ask your doctor to get tested. At Alpha, we provide discreet and convenient at-home testing kits. You’ll take the samples yourself and mail them back with a prepaid label. Our licensed providers will review your results and suggest treatment, if needed. As always, medication is mailed to your door with free shipping. Get started today!

