10 Things I Discovered By Starting Over in a New City

Hello Fears
Hello Fears
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2016

My biggest fear has always been to be alone. About 3 years ago, I had to face my fear when I landed a job in Austin, TX. That meant leaving my boyfriend, my friends, my family and my world behind in Miami, FL where I was living at the time.

By: Claudia Camargo
Age: 30
Gender: Female

Photo by BlueSpark Photography

I took the leap to move to a city that I had never even seen on photos, since all the interviews were over Skype and phone. I didn’t know anyone and no one knew me. But it came in a moment that I needed a 180 degree change in my life, and without me asking for it, it happened. So I left and all I can say is that starting a new life from scratch was the most nurturing experience I have had in my life.

Here are 10 things I discovered from facing my fear:

1. I discovered who I really was. It’s easy to “think” that you are this or that, but only when you are truly alone is when you figure it out.

2. I learned that being alone is not bad. Perhaps this was the root of my fear, but actually not having to answer to anyone, or explaining why you don’t want to go out felt pretty good.

3. I figured out what kind of friends I want. Before, all my friends kind of dropped in my lap either from school or from work. This time, I was open to meet new people but was able to choose and pick who I truly wanted to be my friend.

4. I opened up to a whole new culture. Yes, Texas is part of the United States, but boy is it a different world (in comparison to Florida or Maryland). With the mixture of Texans and Mexicans you get a unique blend that truly made me fall in love with the culture. Not at first, because of the vast culture shock, but with time I learned to appreciate it.

5. I was able to give it all to my job. Since I had no “distractions” well it was easy to give my job 300% and it absolutely showed me how much I can achieve.

6. Judging became the last thing on my mind. As I opened up to many different kinds of people, I became less judgmental and I will forever be grateful that I allowed myself to appreciate each person for who they are rather for who the “should be.”

7. New experiences are everything. Every region has different activities, Texas showed me a simple side of life that I truly loved and I try to carry with me even outside of Texas. I also had the blessing to have met people that held my hand step by step thru this new experiences. I have no words to thank them.

8. The lows were the fuel for the highs. There were low days, when I felt alone and I just wanted to hop on a plane to where my boyfriend, my family and my friends were. But those same days, were the ones that helped me appreciate the days when my happiness was at its high.

9. I learned that being comfortable is settling. I am only 30, and settling into a routine is just not in my plans quite yet. Being in a new city, as uncomfortable as it could be, unleashed in me the need to evolve and achieve new things that probably would have never happened otherwise.

10. I CAN’T WAIT TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. Seriously, the fear is gone and I cannot wait for the next city I will have the chance to conquer! Only this time around, I will get to do it with my hubby to be.

No regrets!

Photo by BlueSpark Photography

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Hello Fears
Hello Fears

Hey there! It’s Michelle Poler, The Fear Girl, writing on behalf of a community of non-conformists who face their fears to find meaning and inspire others.