High School, Scarier Than Any Horror Film I’ve Seen

Hello Fears
Hello Fears
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2016

By Keegan Miller, 14 (15 in November)

Photo by Shutterstock

After hearing my older friends say “It’s as big as a college. There are over 4,000 students!” My thoughts of going to high school began to roll downhill. That’s when I realized that I was about to face one of my biggest fears. I was dreading all of the days leading up to day one. I didn’t want to do it. I even thought about asking to be homeschooled. As the starting date got closer, I felt uncontrollably anxious and scared. I had already visited the campus, and the thought of that huge place filled with all kinds of strangers made me tremble.

The morning of that first day of school had to be the WORST morning ever. I couldn’t eat and I also couldn’t stop yawning. I was exhausted after not being able to close my eyes all night. On the way to school I couldn’t stop thinking about what I would do all alone surrounded by so many strangers. I was terrified of getting lost on my way to class, or even worse, not being able to open my locker.

When the first bell rang, the hallways became a giant sardine can. It was one of the most claustrophobic places I’ve ever been in. But then, luckily, I bumped into a friend along the way. We were both so quiet and wide-eyed at the whirling world around us. We started sharing thoughts and realized we were fearing the same things. The fact that I was not the only one there feeling like that, made me much calmer and helped me reduce that sense of loneliness. This led me to meet new friends and all of the sudden I wasn’t that scared anymore.

Remember when I said at the beginning that I started the day exhausted? Well, imagine how tired I was when I got back home. I felt like if I had climbed the highest mountain. The good thing is that I also felt very proud of myself and accomplished to have faced that huge fear. Now, I really enjoy going to school everyday and getting to hang out with my friends. But, I also can’t wait for winter break ;)

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Hello Fears
Hello Fears

Hey there! It’s Michelle Poler, The Fear Girl, writing on behalf of a community of non-conformists who face their fears to find meaning and inspire others.