Why I Decided To Quit My Dream Job

Hello Fears
Hello Fears
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2016

I was so comfortable. I had everything I thought I wanted. A good career, great benefits and I felt like I was making a difference. But deep down I knew there was more to life than this. After six years I decided to take the jump.

Full Name: Evelyn H.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
City: Bristol, CT

I was so scared! A few weeks ago I attended Michelle Poler’s talk at my former place of work. I went to the event as a volunteer and came out a new woman.

Michelle opened my eyes to my professional fears that had been holding me back. I realized that I was terrified of leaving my first professional job and everything I have known since moving to the Northeast in 2010.

This was my dream job since I was in middle school. I felt blessed to even be offered the opportunity here. This job allowed me to work with incredibly talented people and gave me the platform to showcase my skills in front of millions of sports fans. I even met the rapper Drake and turned into her biggest fan girl!

So why take the risk and leave?

Michelle showed me… “the first step to living the life that you want is leaving the life you no longer want” . I decided to QUIT my comfortable, super awesome job with great benefits for a new role completely unrelated to what I do now.

A few days after listening to Michelle’s talk, I started applying for jobs in my dream/home state of Florida. I was offered a position but I declined it because I didn’t think they were offering me enough money. All of the sudden I had this totally new confidence about myself and if I was going to take the jump it had to be for the right amount.

The next day they called me back with a better offer! I couldn’t believe it.

I have officially accepted a position as a TV Producer and I’m moving to FL! To be honest I’m probably even more scared now but I’m super excited about this opportunity. I get to be back in Florida, my home state. Now I will be able to visit my family for holidays, birthdays and for no reason at all. Michelle helped me take that step and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Any advice for others who are afraid of this?

It’s ok to have fears. Trust me, I was scared before I made this decision and I think I might even be more scared now. But this feeling is different… This is an excited fear. I haven’t had this feeling in a long time and it feels great.

Submit your story of courage here!

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Hello Fears
Hello Fears

Hey there! It’s Michelle Poler, The Fear Girl, writing on behalf of a community of non-conformists who face their fears to find meaning and inspire others.