Why CMOs Never Last

John Herrington
Hello from Tegan


Fascinating article in HBR this week covering why CMOs never last. Some of the best nuggets from the piece are below.

  1. 57% of CMOs have been in their position three years or less.
  2. 74% of CMOs believe their jobs don’t allow them to maximize their impact on the business.
  3. 80% of CEOs don’t trust or are unimpressed with their CMOs. In comparison, just 10% of the same CEOs feel that way about their CFOs and CIOs.
  4. Three types of CMO roles: enterprise-wide P&L role, commercialization role, strategy role.

CMOs today aren’t living up to expectations because they’re asked to do too much, without the proper authority.

If you’re reading this, and you’re a CMO, we’d like to give you a hug. 🤗

For the rest of us, we have to find new ways to proactively help our CMO counterparts be successful within their organization. Many of them are expected to lead marketing, product strategy, and a P&L. That’s B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Now, more than ever, CMOs are looking for trusted partners to help shoulder the load.

📰 News

Volvo announces all new models will be hybrid or battery powered in 2019. Link

Maps and Machine Learning are helping eliminate malaria. Link

Forget QR codes, ultrasonic audio will now be your ticket to events. Link

Facebook rolls out new dynamic ads. Link

Crime-tracking apps empowering and endangering their user base. Link

Uber ranked most improved brand among millennials. Ethics are good, but price and convenience carry the day. Link

Chinese bike share launches partnership for air-purifying bicycles. Link

🏆 Site of the Week

Computerized Forms — an experiment in making poster designs move to music using the Web Audio API. Link

🖥 Cool Tech

This insane augmented reality video will blow your mind. It’s like entering a portal to another world. Link

😍 Apps We Love

Paste — Stores everything you copy across all your Macs and unlimited clipboard capacity. Link

Things 3 — nice new design to keep you organized with your to do list. Link

🎧 Weekly Mixtape

Big thanks to our friend, Nate Arnold, at Deloitte for collaborating with us this week. Link

Originally published at tegan.io on July 6, 2017.

