
Jeffrey D. Serio
Hello Future
Published in
1 min readApr 19, 2021
If only one could predict the future ...Companies today are facing rapid shifts of change from events, globalization, customer needs, technologies, and markets. And with these changes comes lots of uncertainty about the future, posing many problems.Especially in this age of corona. The world we knew yesterday is not that same as today, and today will not be the same as tomorrow.@Jeffrey David Serio at the Business Academy Aarhus is therefore embarking on a very current research project, which examines how companies through strategy, specifically foresight, together with design can not only build resilience to handle the many changes of the future, but create it.

Strategy, created via trend spotting, identification of signals of change and other novel and imaginative methods to face the challenges it may entail.

Design to be able to handle ambiguity via the inclusion of the different stakeholders and the creation and validation of prototypes.

Are you or your company interested in hearing more? So read more about the project here or contact me.

