It’s the Thought that Counts — Truly

Craig Keyes, MD
Hello Indigo
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2016

My dad gave me some great advice as I was growing up. But, one piece that was among the most valuable was this:

“Long after a person has forgotten exactly what you’ve said or done, they will remember how you made them feel.”

I was about 7 years old. It was Father’s Day, and I’d become tearful because I was sure my gift was the least impressive of all the gifts he’d received. I was the youngest, with the smallest allowance, so I had to rely on my primitive handiwork skills.

Turns out, I was wrong. He didn’t just like what I gave him, he absolutely loved it. In fact, he said it was his most memorable Father’s Day.

My dad was the head of sales for a regional food company that distributed across five states. I had created a summary of each of the states, complete with state capitol, population census of the 3 largest cities (1950 and 1960), state bird, state flower, state animal, and other interesting facts to help him spark conversations and build new relationships.

He said he’d always remember this Father’s Day because I’d made him feel as though his work success was important to me. “Sure, the tie and the cologne from your brothers are nice to have. But, getting dressed and smelling good are something I’ve already got handled pretty well.” He told me that every time he’d peek at that guide, he’d know I was in his corner, and he was better because of it.

It’s no easier to find the right gift now than it was back then, but one thing I took away from that experience is the power of giving a gift intended to help someone pursue their passion.

That’s what I love about Indigo. It’s designed to do just that — to build upon life experience, talents, passions and wisdom. It’s designed to help elevate purpose and spark connections.

So, why is Indigo Membership the perfect gift for someone you love?

  • You’re gifting experiences and opportunities, not just more “stuff.”
  • You’ll watch someone you love reconnect with old talents, focus on areas of passion, and explore new interests.
  • And, you’ll likely find, it was the most memorable and meaningful gift they’ve received.

This is the fifth in a series of articles about how we at Indigo think about aging in our culture. We invite discovery of many wonderful things in life, in the belief that purpose in life is the antidote to loneliness. Be part of our community at



Craig Keyes, MD
Hello Indigo

NYC and Denver entrepreneur working on reimagining aging. Co-founder of Indigo. #aging #fitness #health #adventure #classical music; equality in its many forms