Thorough explanation of Lambda Expressions in Java — what are they and how to use them

From beginner to master of Lambda Expressions

Larry | Peng Yang
Mastering Java


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

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Many of you may have the impression that Java’s lambda expression is difficult, Lambda expressions themselves are actually much easier to understand once you get the point across.

In this article, I will explain step by step, starting with the idea of ​​what Java lambda expressions really are, and how to use them in programs for Java beginners and those who have been away from Java for a while.

1. What are Java lambda expressions?

1.1. A lambda expression is a simple syntax for class definition and instantiation

Java’s lambda expression is a syntax for easily creating an instance of a class that implements a functional interface. In other words, it is a shortcut that simultaneously declares a class and creates an instance of it.

Suppose you have a class that implements some interface, and you want to create an…

