Laravel queue system with job

Mostafa Kamal
Hello Laravel
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2020


#code4mk #laravel

# Queue: Queue is a FIFO (first in first out). Queue task waiting to complete the previous task.

Laravel Queue: Laravel queue system increase performance of request and reduce the loading time.

Basically queue is a time-consuming task but run background on the server.

# Job

Job is a specific task for a specific queue.

# set queue connection on .env file


php artisan config:cache or php artisan config:clear

# queue table generate

php artisan queue:table
# if don't have job fails table
php artisan queue:failed-table
php artisan migrate

# create a job

php artisan make:job MailSend

This command creates a MailSend job inside App/Jobs

~ handle

basically handle method calls when the queue is processed. and payload store handle methods and others properties.

# call job inside controller or others


use App\Jobs\MailSend;dispatch(new MailSend($data))->delay(now()->addMinutes(1));

# run queue command on your server

php artisan queue:work 
# or
php artisan queue:listen

