10 Simple Ways To Keep Your Standards High And Make Love Last

Forgive the forgivable mistakes.

Liv Mello
Hello, Love


Keeping your standards high and making love last might sound like two opposing concepts, but I’m here to tell you that you can have both. Whatever your situation — whether you’re still single, dating, married with children, divorced with children, or widowed — it’s always important to remember exactly what you want and deserve out of a relationship.

In some of these steps, you’ll examine the relationship as a whole, which will require patience and cooperation from your partner. Other steps will suggest you turn your attention inward and ask yourself what you expect and what you desire from them. These two things should always match up.

If you expect your partner to behave or treat you in a way that you don’t desire, your standards are too low. If you desire something you never expect or receive, the love probably won’t last. In fact, it might be dead already.

If you’re in a long-term relationship, it’s possible that you’ve simply forgotten the aspects of your relationship that made it successful, to begin with. It’s also possible that you’ve both lost sight of the attributes that attracted you to each other in the first place.



Liv Mello
Hello, Love

Freelancing advice and figuring out how to be happy. Check out my work at livmello.com