10 Uncommon but Essential Traits of a Good Man

If he has all these, he’s a keeper.

Keith Dias
Hello, Love


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The bare minimum

When I was a child, I was not expected to be responsible for very much.

The rules were clear:

Be respectful to everyone. Learn. Keep things clean.

These were not extraordinary responsibilities. They were the bare minimum. I knew, if I did not adequately perform these 3 responsibilities, I was not meeting my childhood expectations.

A responsible choice

As I got older, my responsibilities naturally started mounting. In many cases, I did not accept these basic expectations.

I have been a bad son, a bad friend, a bad brother, a bad colleague, and a bad partner.

Many times, I have hurt the people closest to me.

I have failed more times than I can count, in numerous ways.

I didn’t fail from ignorance. I failed in spite of my inherent knowledge.

There are basic expectations of each of us, as we age. We all know what they are. We just need to fulfill them.



Keith Dias
Hello, Love

Travel geek. Productivity nerd. Husband, father, son, brother, friend, joker. I once met Stevie Wonder. I’ve played competitive ball hockey for 30 years.