10 Ways to Help Your Partner Gain Body Confidence Between the Sheets

Molly Carter
Hello, Love
Published in
6 min readJun 6, 2021


I take reader questions on my blog. While most of them revolve around penis size (yes, you’re normal, and your penis is perfectly long enough), occasionally, I get a question that really resonates. This was one of those questions:

Can men help women in the confidence department, as in bedroom confidence? Or is that an area that a woman has to do herself?

This is such a great question. A perfect question, actually.

Because you can totally help your woman (or your partner of any gender) gain confidence in the bedroom. It can take some time, and you must be patient with them. Putting pressure on a woman, especially in areas of sexuality, often creates the opposite effect. Basically, she gets a case of performance anxiety, which can make her confidence sag even more.

So instead of simply telling her to be more confident, here’s what you can do, in and out of the bedroom, to help her feel like she’s the queen of the world.

Photo by Katrina Berban on Unsplash

1. Devote some time to her outside the…



Molly Carter
Hello, Love

I’m a professional writer and intimacy coach. Just out here in the world, helping people have more fun and experience more pleasure in life.