11 Qualities of a Good Man in a Relationship

And how to notice them.

The Bookish Scribbler
Hello, Love


Photo by Randy Kinne on Unsplash

Emmanuel facepalmed, as he sat alone in a restaurant, across the street.

He let out an exasperated sigh and then sipped one more time from his glass of water.

And he was like; Why does every woman I dated, often brokes my heart, by ditching me, with no significant reasons, despite all I’ve given up to them.

Somehow, The twenty-five-year-old found himself single, after five years of being in four different relationships.

And now he hasn’t yet figured out why all the ladies, he goes on a date with often dump him, to date other guys he seems to be better than, after some years of being in a relationship.

From the dude’s perspective, he’s a good guy, with a better version of qualities, every woman would wish for from their ideal guy.

But unfortunately, he isn’t. And the women he constantly dates, seems to be disappointed, and irritated with everything about him.

So, do you appear to be on the same page with Emmanuel?

Do you perceive yourself as a women ideal man, by thinking you’ve got great desirable characteristics?

Well, what I’m about to show you, are qualities of all good men exhibit, when it comes to…



The Bookish Scribbler
Hello, Love

Creative wordsmith crafting captivating content for the digital realm. 🖋️ Social media wordsmith.