20+ Songs That Got Me Through The Tail End Of My Breakup

#20 Especially.

Brandee Monet Cannady
Hello, Love


Photo by blazphoto on Unsplash

I experienced my first real breakup spring of last year. Although I initiated it, it still deeply hurt my heart and damaged my spirit. Before, I was a very peppy and optimistic person. After the breakup hit me, I spent most days feeling very dejected and uninterested in anything that used to bring me joy or satisfaction. Even eating was something I had to force myself to do.

The beginning of my breakup was very different than what usually occurs. I was very satisfied with my decision and started a new relationship rather quickly. I knew we weren’t right for each other, as long as it took me to realize that, so I had no regrets. I spent about a year riding this high. After the one-year mark though, the depression hit me. It was initiated by a text I sent him in which I received an unfavorable response. It was so hard to digest what I read, and I didn’t feel so cheerful anymore.

Don’t get me wrong, as depressed as I became, I still hold no regrets. That decision was honestly the best I have ever made. It was what needed to happen. What I couldn’t stop was the feelings of missing him, his companionship, his touch, and his love. I wanted those things back, but I didn’t want him back. As much as I thought I would stave it off though, the depression inevitably hit me a year…



Brandee Monet Cannady
Hello, Love

This is where love is spread, opinions are expressed, feelings are validated, life is conquered, and music is shared.