3 Bold Comebacks For When You’re Being Slowly Ghosted

The Romantic Writer
Hello, Love
Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2024


Once upon a time, you met someone. You were texting and calling each other until past midnight. Everything seemed to be going well until suddenly, the replies started to slow down.


You found yourself staring at your phone for a long time waiting for a notification. The conversation that was once engaging turned into something similar to the Sahara desert. It felt dry and forced and you were wondering what happened.

Sounds familiar? That situation is called “soft ghosting” where someone slowly disappears from your life until they are totally gone to nowhere. Going through this is frustrating and you may get confused about what is happening.

“Is he mad at me?”

“Did I say something disappointing to her?”

“Is there something wrong with me?”

Instead of letting the negative feelings and thoughts bother you, it’s important to address the situation directly. By facing the problem, you can either get the answer that you want to hear, or get the answer that you need in order for you to move on.

Here are three things you can say to someone who is slowly ghosting you:

Address the Change Directly



The Romantic Writer
Hello, Love

I'm a human who loves exploring human psychology and the psychology of relationships