3 Helpful Pieces of Advice for Dating an Anxious Preoccupied Partner

Part 3 of the attachment style series.

Tunde Awosika
Hello, Love


Photo by Wei Ding on Unsplash

Have you been in and out of unsuccessful relationships and in the end still don’t know the root of the issues?

Did you know there is one factor that affects your relationships more than any other belief?

The answer to the love equation is finding your attachment style.

You have shown up in relationships with your best intentions, but by the end, you feel emotionally withdrawn.

Obviously, This leads to breakups.

What if I told you the true answer to your dilemma is not the emotional differences that you experience with current and past partners but the behavioral differences due to your attachment style.

In my attachment style series, I dig into the core of each attachment style while advising on how to recognize behavioral patterns, attend to needs, and communicate. Today, we focus on the anxious preoccupied. (DA and FA articles below.)

  • Secure -comfort in vulnerability, viewed loving relationships in childhood
  • anxious preoccupied- fear abandonment, constantly seek connection
  • dismissive-avoidant-Enjoy independence, feel pressure in…



Tunde Awosika
Hello, Love

Transforming your attachment style is the key to healthy relationships. Take the journey with me. Top-writer: Relationships, Love, Psychology, and Mental Health