3 Immediate Steps I Wish I Took After I Was Cheated & Dumped

The best way to beat the self-destructive cycle is not to fall for it in the first place.

Anirban Kar
Hello, Love


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

“The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.”
Ernest Hemingway, Men Without Women

If someone says it is easy to get over a breakup — they are trying to sell you something. It is anything but easy.

The pain of losing someone you love cuts deep. The worst is the initial phase. Every morning you wake up, the realization of what happened rushes in. It hits you hard, knocks you down, and keeps you there until you doze off.

That’s why many try to wipe their pain clean. How do they do that? By drinking too much.

However, there is a problem with this approach. When it wears off, it drops back in reality so hard. The impact is devastating. Thus, the method of regulating your pain through alcohol will leave you worse of than where you had started.

What if I tell you suffering isn’t the worst thing that comes from the pain? What if there is a more severe consequence larking around?

Pain is very similar to fire. It sparks soft, spreads fast, and burns whatever it touches…



Anirban Kar
Hello, Love

Indian blogger. Words in Mind Cafe, Start Up, & Better Humans. Support me by getting a Membership here: https://anirbankar.medium.com/membership