3 Interesting Signs Your Partner Is NOT Your Soulmate

So you won't waste time on potentially wrong relationships.

Idris Jimoh 🍀
Hello, Love
4 min readMar 28, 2024


A man and woman holding hands and looking at each other lovingly.
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Relationships are complicated. The moment you find a partner, you feel like you would love them for a long time, but two months down the relationship, you find out that you can’t stand them anymore. That person is simply not your soulmate.

A soulmate is a partner you are completely compatible with. They complement you, and you complement them. It’s a beautiful thing when you manage to find your soulmate.

There are no surefire ways to know if someone is not your soulmate, but there are a few signs that can make spotting them much easier. This way, you would know what not to look for in a partner.

Without wasting your time too much, let’s start with the first one.

They Don’t Respect Your Boundaries

Your soulmate is like your own personal cheerleader. They are your biggest fan, and they want you to succeed above all else.

I was in a relationship with a woman a few years back. I loved and respected her with all my heart. She seemed like the perfect woman to me at the time.

I thought I finally found my soulmate.

Everything was going fine until she stopped trusting me all of a sudden. She started getting very possessive and toxic. She always wanted me to be around her like I shouldn’t have a moment in my life without her in it.

But that’s not how partners work. We are supposed to complement and support one another and not to completely take over each other’s lives.

I was willing to put up with her possessive nature for a long time because that’s how much I cared about her. But she didn’t value my happiness and boundaries at all, and the more time we spent together, the worse it got.

At one point, the relationship gave in to the pressure, and we broke up.

Now although she never treated me badly, the relationship didn’t work out because she did not respect that I can’t spend every waking hour with her. She was selfish with my time and wanted me to give it all to her.

She wasn’t my soulmate because if she was, she wouldn’t be selfish like that. And if your partner wants to spend every waking hour with you without giving you time to breathe, they may just not be your soulmate.

You Share Very Different Core Values And Belief Systems About Life

People are unique, and that’s one of the most beautiful things about being human. You may like parties, but your partner prefers to sleep at home. Your favorite movie genre might be horror, but your partner prefers rom-coms.

These differences are okay because they are natural. A little bit of difference is necessary for you and your partner to get along.

But no similarities will kill your relationship quickly.

You can be different from your partner, but you both have to share the same or similar values, principles, and opinions about life. If not, being with them will feel like a giant debate.

Do you believe in God, but your partner is an atheist? Do you believe people can change, but your partner believes people are set in stone? Do you believe in capitalism, but your partner believes in socialism?

Core values like these and many more are extremely important in a relationship. If you and your partner share too many different views on life, they may not be your soulmate.

You Know They Wouldn’t Love You At Your Worst

Will you still love me if I was a worm? Although that’s a very strange and exaggerated question to ask your partner, it does have a point.

If your partner can’t love you at rock bottom, do they really love you?

Love isn’t something you feel only when it’s comfortable. You have to feel it no matter what.

My friend’s dad is a very rich man. At least he was until he lost all his money when his business crashed. I had to emotionally support my friend through the divorce that happened after.

His mom and dad are getting divorced, and he told me she was leaving him because she couldn’t live the rest of her life with a man not going anywhere with his life.

Basically, she was leaving him because he no longer had money.

I don’t blame her. It’s her choice whether she wants to stay in a relationship or not, and if she feels like she can’t, it is okay to leave. She shouldn’t have to put up with a marriage she no longer wants.

But although I don’t blame her, this could mean her and her husband were never soulmates. The entire relationship was, in my opinion, transactional.

Your soulmate would never leave you even if you hit rock bottom. They would continue to cheer you on and encourage you to stand up and get your life back together.

They would always be interested in seeing what You’re going to do next. If your partner is not like this, they just may not be your soulmate.

That’s it, I guess. If your partner or someone you are thinking of dating shows all the signs I mentioned, there’s a good chance they’re not your soulmate.

One thing I trust more than signs is my gut. If my gut is telling me they’re not the one, I listen to it every time. Thanks for reading, cheers!



Idris Jimoh 🍀
Hello, Love

Hi there! I write here to express my thoughts and reasons. I hope you find them useful and Insightful!