3 Reasons Others Aren’t Doing Better Than You

Comparison is the thief of joy — President Theodore Roosevelt

Sandra Michelle
Hello, Love
Published in
6 min readMar 4, 2021


Woman with black hair in white top standing at a platform in front of a train.
Photo by Eutah Mizushima on Unsplash

A friend of mine continually sends me Linkedin updates of ghosts from our past. From people who we went to school with, to their younger sisters, ex-partners, mothers, cats — you name it. Upon my initial acknowledgment of their existence (after having forgotten about these people entirely), I am presented with my friend’s ignorant narration of their seemingly perfect lives and achievements.

In response to my recent piece, ‘What If There Is Nothing Wrong With You’, many readers thanked me for providing reassurance in a world that does much of the opposite. A little reassurance is something we all need. Especially those who have a gut-wrenching feeling with every ‘Congratulate your connection’, LinkedIn notification.

Here are a few ways you can rest assured that people aren’t doing better than you:

You’ve Got What They Don’t

Whether you believe in karma or not, there is a harmonious balance of energy and happiness that is evenly distributed amongst the world. When we lust over something that we see in others, we are simultaneously taking advantage of what we do have — which is in return, something others lust over…



Sandra Michelle
Hello, Love

Law Graduate in Sydney. Encouraging new perspectives. Writer for Better Marketing, P.S I Love You, The Ascent & Mind Cafe. Top Writer in Love & Self Improvement