3 Reasons Why Your Failing Relationship Is Your Fault

If you want to fix your problems, own them.

Liv Mello
Hello, Love


I have this friend who’s been in a failing relationship for six years. I’ve been her shoulder to cry on since day one. While I admire her commitment to this person, I resent the fact that she’s been miserable for most of her twenties. I’ll always be here for her, but my tune has definitely changed over the years.

You can only feel sorry for someone for so long.

No one’s forcing her to stay in this relationship. She’s not married. She doesn’t have kids or a house with her partner. Still, we’re adults and we have to take ownership of our unhappiness if we want it to change.

Let me guess, your relationship is failing too. You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Divorce rates and the rising popularity of dating apps prove that lasting relationships are at risk. Plus, 2020 saw a spike in breakups and divorces due to the added stress of a global pandemic.

It probably feels like the world is against you, but here’s a glimmer of hope. While the first years of a relationship are undoubtedly the hardest, they’re also the most crucial. Research shows that the longer a couple stays together, the less likely they are to break up. Stanford sociologist, Michael…



Liv Mello
Hello, Love

Freelancing advice and figuring out how to be happy. Check out my work at livmello.com