3 Rules to Respect Your Love Relationship the Right Way

Relationships will never be 100% perfect. But your commitment has to be 100%.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStock

by Jamie Rea

So what does it mean to love someone the “right way”? I already covered parts of this idea on a recent blog post titled What I Learned About Love From Loving A Christian Woman. I mentioned in that blog post that it took me a really long time to figure out what loving someone the right way looked and felt like. In so many relationships, I was only 70 percent invested in the relationship and was constantly tangling one toe outside the boundaries of our relationship. There were times when I wasn’t in the right personal place to love them to the capacity they deserved to be loved.

Other times, I didn’t love them enough — I loved them but just wasn’t in love with them. No matter how much I wished that I were, I wasn’t. So my love fell short and I lost relationship integrity by trying to love against my heart.

To make it clear: love is an action.It’s not what you say to the person. Anyone can say, “I love you”. Words don’t mean squat about your commitment because words can be said on impulse in the heat-of-the-moment without having any footing, or they can be embellished or even manipulated to mean something more than they really are.



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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