3 Simple Tips for Becoming More Reliable in Your Relationship (& 3 Bonus Tips)

Honouring your commitments will go a long way toward ensuring that your partner trusts you.

Godwin Etim
Hello, Love
3 min readNov 9, 2022


Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

In any relationship, trust is key. Without trust, you don’t have anything worth having at all. However, it can be hard to build that level of trust in your relationship if you’re not reliable. Here are three simple tips to help you become more reliable in your relationship so that you can improve the trust between you and your partner and better ensure the success of your relationship.

Follow Through On Your Promises

The first step to becoming more reliable in your relationship is following through on your promises. This can include anything from the little things, like telling the truth and being reliable when you say you will do something, to bigger promises, like spending quality time together. Honouring your commitments will go a long way toward ensuring that your partner trusts you. One way to build trust in your relationship is by honouring your commitments. Fulfilling our obligations is one way to demonstrate our trustworthiness to our partners. When we fail to meet our commitments or promises, we look untrustworthy. A pattern of broken promises could damage any good relationship. To avoid this outcome, it’s important to be dependable in all areas of life, not just with your partner. Promising to pick up milk on the way home? Keep your word! You’ll have earned an invaluable sense of security for both of you.

Don’t Break The Confidence Of Your Partner

Don’t break the confidence of your partner. Trust is a fragile thing, and once it’s broken you may never get that trust back. If you’ve done something that might make your partner feel betrayed, don’t tell other people about it or talk about it in front of them. Instead, apologize sincerely and keep any promises to yourself so they know you’re not just saying it to save face. If your partner shares something personal with you, take it to heart and try not to repeat what they say with others.
This helps protect their dignity and lets them be open with you without worrying about being judged.
Trust isn’t easy but with these tips anyone can build it into their relationship! Keep your word and show your partner that you value honesty and respect. Do what you say you will do. Second, if someone has told you something private, honor their request by keeping it between you both. Third, remember that all relationships have ups and downs; use times of difficulty to focus on each other instead of giving up on each other. With each other you can accomplish anything.

Show That You’re Trustworthy In Other Areas Of Your Life

It’s hard to build trust when you’re not trustworthy in other areas of your life. You need to show that you’re trustworthy so that your significant other will be able to see the good in you. One way to become more reliable is by being as transparent as possible and not keeping secrets. Another way is by doing what you say and saying what you do. Showing up on time also shows reliability, and so does following through on commitments. If you keep promises and complete tasks to completion, then your significant other will start to trust you.
A third way to show reliability is by being kind in everyday moments; complimenting someone or holding the door open for them is a little thing but it makes a big difference. Trust can take a while to build up but if it’s built solidly with some thoughtfulness, then it becomes one of the most important things for any relationship.


The most important thing to remember when you are learning how to build trust in a relationship is that it takes time. With a little patience and a lot of effort, your relationship will be stronger than ever before. It’s worth the work! Learn how to build trust with these three bonus tips simple tips: 1) give them the benefit of the doubt, 2) don’t overreact or act impulsively, and 3) communicate openly about everything. Leave A Comment Below!

