3 Thoughts That Are Ruining Relationships

Nuno Lopes
Hello, Love
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2021

These thoughts are based on what I see, what I hear and what I’ve been through.

Nowadays with everything getting old and disposable so fast relationships take a dip as well.

I mean do you even remember that about one year ago we were talking about World War 3 ? No you didn’t remember because we have so much going on in the world and it’s not only because of the Corona Virus, literally every year we see so many things happen that we don’t remember everything. It’s becoming the same thing with relationships. We have a way to get in touch with literally everyone for free so we don’t create affection or love with anyone.

1. Jealousy

It’s our right to feel and express it. If I’m with someone, it’s not because I don’t want to be alone or because I think the other person is hot.

A relationship it’s an investment. It should be pragmatic.

We are donating our time, just like the other person. Then you both can charge things from one another. Today I hear people complaining about ownership. You don’t own the other person or you’re owned but you own the relationship. So it’s natural we feel jealousy of what belongs to us. We can’t eliminate that feeling only if we are indifferent to the relationship.

When someone or both are indifferent they just live together, they have something fragile that opens space to extern things like betrayal.

2. Freedom

For example if I complain about a sensual picture that my partner posted on social media, am I taking the freedom from the other person ?
Everyone can do whatever they want but then they have to face the consequences. If something bothers my partner I need to consider that it can affect my relationship.

We need to understand that the world is a sexual showcase. That it could be physical or materialistic.

In modern days they say that it’s lack of confidence and all that bullsh*t. They all want to pretend to be Tommy Shelby. There you have an example of a sexual showcase. They also say that you can do whatever you want if you don’t cheat but it’s not quite like that is it ?

There is a philosophical fetish about that word — freedom — nowadays.

We can’t forbid anything but we can dislike something and express that.
How far do we want to take that freedom just to boost our ego if we lose things that we like and is good for us ?

To much freedom becomes a prison

3. Betrayal

It seems that it’s normal and ok to just cheat on someone today. I see people doing it and being fine with it and even get back with the same person they cheated on. That just blows my mind everytime i see it.

First of all I think we need to get this straight:

Betrayal it’s not exclusively physical. It can just be a hidden chat with someone else.

Second thing is are you stupid ?
How can you cheat on someone and just continue your life with them ? Not only you are wasting their time and hurting them (even if they don’t know or find out) but also yours and that you should be able to understand since you are a selfish bast**d.

If you are the one being cheated just wake up ! How can you come back to that person ? Will you even be able to trust him/her ?Why would you let yourself go through that mental instability and lose your time with that person again ?
Relationships and people are not disposable and a betrayal it’s always optional. So you should make a better option for yourself as well.

