3 Times You’re Free To Tell Her Lies

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Tim Dahi
Hello, Love



When it comes to relationships, lying doesn’t usually come highly recommended. It can turn into a nasty, out-of-control habit that not only ruins the liar’s reputation but it can also exact significant physical and emotional tolls. This is demonstrated by research that shows lying is linked to increased cancer risks, depression, and low relationship satisfaction.

The 2 main types of lies people tell

  1. Big lies: these are lies told with selfish or bad intentions that can result in serious consequences for those concerned. Rule breakers will usually resort to these types of lies in order to reap the “benefits” of their violations and escape the consequences (punishments) that their actions usually bring.
  2. Little (white) lies: these, on the other hand, are usually harmless fibs we tell for no selfish ends other than for the benefit of the targets of the lies. Like those, we tell to be polite and show good manners instead of creating awkward social situations by being brutally honest.

3 general situations it can be acceptable for people to lie

  • To protect themselves or people they care about from physical or emotional harm: lies told out of a genuine desire…



Tim Dahi
Hello, Love

Writer. Challenger. Live and let live advocate.