3 Ways Secure Partners Can Love a Person Converting Their Attachment Style

Take the journey with your partner.

Tunde Awosika
Hello, Love


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

I had an epiphany this morning.

As I go on in my attachment style series, I have failed to cover one attachment style in depth.

The securely attached people. While the life of a securely attached person is blissful, it comes with its challenges too.

One of the main challenges is when you are securely attached, but your is still on their journey.

I know.

It sounds a little unfair that the conversation redirects toward other attachment styles.

Stay with me!

Securely attached people have an advantage and a secret power that they can use.

You are the link between someone’s personal growth and development in relationships.

You are the guide that someone needs as they transition.

With great power comes great responsibility. You have a choice to make. Do I stay with my partner on their journey or find someone who aligns more with where I am?

I hope someone taking accountability, desiring change, and doing self-work makes that choice obvious.

Step 1…is…



Tunde Awosika
Hello, Love

Transforming your attachment style is the key to healthy relationships. Take the journey with me. Top-writer: Relationships, Love, Psychology, and Mental Health