3 Yellow Flags to Look for While Pursuing a Romantic Interest

A twist on the red flag, green flag theories.

Tunde Awosika
Hello, Love


Photo by Kura Tregenza on Unsplash

Put yourself in this scenario.

You are driving, and you are approaching a yellow light.

There are two decisions to make; put your foot on the gas to make it through the light or tap on the brakes and wait patiently.

Deciding on how you will approach yellow flags works the same way. It isn’t necessarily a deal breaker, but they shouldn’t go unnoticed.

Yellow flags are characteristics or traits that can have a positive outcome if someone is working on them or can have detrimental effects if they are not putting work towards them.

Let’s cover a couple of these flags and determine when it’s time to keep your foot on the pedal or hit the brakes.

Accept me at my worst or you don’t deserve my best

You have heard this phrase a thousand times, whether someone has said it to you or you heard it in a cheesy rom-com.

It means that if you can not accept someone’s shortcomings, you don’t deserve the best version of their life…



Tunde Awosika
Hello, Love

Transforming your attachment style is the key to healthy relationships. Take the journey with me. Top-writer: Relationships, Love, Psychology, and Mental Health