4 Crucial Things You Should Always Remember About Relationships

What to keep in mind if you want a successful relationship.

Margaret Pan
Hello, Love


Photo by Artsy Vibes on Unsplash

Relationships can be hard, especially when you’re first entering the complicated, yet fascinating world of dating.

There are some common mistakes we all tend to do in our first relationships. With every new relationship you form, the more insight you get into what works and what doesn’t in a relationship, and what you, individually need from a partner.

However, not everyone wants to get into relationship after relationship in order to gain the experience needed to make things work with a partner in the long run.

So, if you just started dating, or if you’ve been dating for quite some time, but only recently felt the need to form a meaningful, long-lasting relationship, here are four crucial things you should always keep in mind:

1. Other People’s Relationships Are Not Your Own

Most of us let social scripts influence us — even at a subconscious level. The term “social scripts” refers to certain norms and practices that are constructed by society and of course, influence the people living within it.



Margaret Pan
Hello, Love

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: margaretpannmd@gmail.com Newsletter + more: https://linktr.ee/margpan