4 Important Things About Settling Down That I Wish I Knew Sooner

Being in love is only one part of the equation.

Adriana Sim
Hello, Love


Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash

I grew up believing that marriage was the end-all, be-all of a woman’s life. Family, friends, religion, they all confirmed this belief. The fact that I was already late to the dating game and didn’t seem to find a reliable partner added to the frustration and loneliness I was feeling.

It took me a long time before I gave up my convictions and embraced the idea of living alone, possibly for the rest of my life. Ironically, the moment I let go of any expectations, I found the man who is now my husband.

Looking back to all the struggles and heartache that could have been avoided, I can see where I was wrong to either cling to relationships or give up too soon. I’m grateful for these experiences that shaped me, but I remember needing guidance at the time and not receiving any empowering advice.

This is what I wish my young self would have known and applied in her life:

I needed to be in a place of emotional maturity.

I don’t know if this feels true anymore, but I’ve experienced this quiet assumption that men were the ones who needed to become “ready” to settle down. Women were supposed to be born ready…



Adriana Sim
Hello, Love

In the process of GYST’ing and following my intuition. Gave up a career in medicine to pursue writing, blogging, and, most of all, living.