4 Tests Some Women Use to Determine If You Are a Mature Man

Some women do use certain tests to see if you are a mature man.

Jam Pel
Hello, Love


Photo by Deedee Geli on Unsplash

In actuality, men will approach women whenever they are in public. The woman you're attempting to seduce might have been approached by more than five different men in one day.That's why women typically administer the tests to distinguish between "boys" and "real guys."

In this, you'll discover the various ways that women test men.

1. Giving the impression that she isn’t interested in you in order to determine whether or not you are a high-status man. Playing hard to get is one of the most common behaviors displayed by women. A man with less status will seek her more and make her feel more required. A man of high value, on the other hand, will not pursue her romantically.

2. Getting upset: Most women assess a man's maturity based on his capacity to experience rage. You should always remain in control when dealing with an irate woman. Women find emotionally secure men to be appealing.

3. Insults: In case a female coworker insults you, what should you do? Do you often find yourself getting upset about it? An attractive lady will purposely criticize you in a way that is not immediately obvious to test your level of confidence. You can…

