4 Unique Ways To Compliment Your Partner

Jordan Gray says that these four habits will make compliments an easy and regular part of your relationship.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Jordan Gray

We are creatures of routine. Coffee in the morning; scheduling meetings, lunches and appointments. Dinner at a favourite restaurant, monthly contracts and paying bills. Sometimes we find solace in parts of our lives becoming automatic. Because, quite frankly, life is more difficult if we spend most of it thinking about life.

From personal responsibilities to business opportunities, it’s easier for us to live our lives if we compartmentalize our tasks and get into a routine.

In our relationships, sometimes getting in a verbal routine can cause a certain stagnancy, or worse, stasis. Regardless of whether your partner may or may not know how you feel about them, here are 5 ways to keep your compliments fresh and enhance the quality of dialogue in your relationship.

Fresh Start!

Waking up can be hard. I’m guilty of not having my wits about me right in the morning. In fact, it’s rare that anyone does. It doesn’t help that I am sometimes in more of a rush than I’d like to be.



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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