5 Bad Behaviors People Often Overlook in a Relationship

Sugarcoating how you really feel.

Anggun Bawi
Hello, Love



Let’s admit it.

It’s so easy for us to see the red flags in our friendships and call it quits the next day, but when it comes to a romantic relationship, we let it slide a million times.

It’s highly unacceptable if our friends bailed on us or blamed us for their bad emotions, but it’s still tolerable if our partner does those things to us. As long as they apologize and make it up later, it should be fine, right?

Well, bad behavior won’t change until you point it out and seek a solution together. If you ignore them and act like everything’s perfect, your relationship is going to suffer.

Both parties are unhappy, and the damage is too big to fix.

So, what are the behaviors that are considered as bad and unhealthy in a romantic relationship? Here are some common examples:

1. Sugarcoating how you really feel

Couples sugarcoat their feelings a lot, so they don’t upset each other. While this is a good intention to have, this behavior isn’t sustainable in the long run.

It builds up resentment and the inability to trust your partner fully. Sugarcoating how you really feel with…



Anggun Bawi
Hello, Love

writing on trauma, dating and relationships - in the hope that you'll feel less alone on your journey | lives in vancouver 🇨🇦