5 Best Things You Can Do to Improve Your Relationship

An addition of excitement can improve your relationship.

Hello, Love
5 min readAug 30, 2021


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

“Never love anybody that treats you like you’re ordinary.” — Oscar Wilde

Do you wish to improve your relationship?

The ebb and flow in relationships are always there. But a constant deterioration is not desirable. If you think you have lost the fun and excitement of the first days of your relationship, you might have taken each other for granted.

If you feel your relationship is going downward, you need to add a few things to your relationship to make it better.

You can bring back the lost affection into your relationship. You can improve your relationship by doing these five best things.

1. Show appreciation and gratitude to each other

Appreciation and gratitude have a significant role in beautiful relationships. Expressing love in words such as “I love you” is always a building block in relationships, but actions should back those words.

Empty words make little of a difference. Actions can do without words. But only activities also fall short as human loves expressions.

For example, you can back your words with actions by helping your partner clean the rooms and wash the clothes. Or, if your partner has already done something better to do away with the mess, notice it and appreciate it with a smile on your face. Appreciate them with an open heart and thank your partner for contributing so much to your life.

I always appreciate my spouse over the things she does. She is a homemaker, and without her, my home looks a mess. I always appreciate her for what she is doing. Because that is highly difficult, I know that.

And she has often told me that my gratitude and appreciation help relax her and remove her stresses. It enlivens her spirits.

Appreciation and gratitude have a magical influence on improving your relationships. I have learned this at the start of our relationship. And we have lived almost 11 years happily.

2. Improve your relationship with the magic wand of smile and touch

Keeping a smile on your face is contagious and affects others positively.

My works keep me too much busy and tired. I often forget to smile when I come home. The mood of my spouse reminds me I have forgotten something. And I smile and laugh at myself for my forgetfulness. She often tells me, “don’t smile, it will cost,” and I laugh.

Hugging has the same positive effect on relationships. We often take everything for granted and forget to smile or touch each other. We think we are too busy for that. And if one of the partners complains of a change in our behavior, we say, “don’t you look how busy am I?”

Getting busy is an excuse. Smile and hug each other even if you are busy. It doesn't take time but saves a life. A partner understands you all the time.

A smile and a hug while leaving for office and coming back is the best remedy to improve your relationships. It has worked for me.

3. Have a fun party once a week or at least every the second week

Find a fun activity that you both like. It can be mock fighting, running competition, or speedy walk catch.

If you both are writers, you can have a writing competition or exercises. Swimming competitions and hiking goals can help.

Such activities are not only beneficial for good relationships, but they also help you keep fit.

We often have competition over many things, like catching each other in the circling around beds or in the home or a brisk walk to check who wall walk fast. We also do exercises together like chin-ups and push-ups. We try to cheat deliberately to make it more fun-full. She drags me from my feet when I do chin-ups or push-ups.

Such activities bring us more together. They have the potentials to improve your relationships if you practice having fun together. A week or two isn’t necessary. You can do it as many times as you wish, but it is compulsory at least once a week or two.

4. Go out for dinner or a movie

In the early days of relationships, couples go to date nights or dinner out more often. But the frequency of these going out decreases with time and ultimately ends. This is not a good sign of a healthy relationship.

I know you are busier at work and come late at home. But family is more important than that. The two of you should go out for dinners twice a month at least. Once a month can also work because you can’t negate its importance for keeping a healthy relationship.

We go on a one-day trip every month where we do lunch and dinner outside. We go to rivers, mountains, parks, and picnic places. We like to see alternative sites.

I add one thing more. I ate whatever my wife likes.

If you have children and problems going out, you can arrange a romantic dinner at home when kids are busy studying or sleeping. You can hire a babysitter to go out.

Going to movies together also strengthens relationships.

5. Listen to your partner intently

Listening to your partner while talking is one of the best ways to make them feel special. Everyone wants attention. Give them empathic responses as it will communicate that you have listened to them and understood them best.

However, don’t be quick in your responses. Take a bit of time, look at them in the eyes or give facial expressions when you talk. Giving expressions is the best way of communication.

Thus, words and body language create an environment of understanding and help you come together. I often talk to her when I am writing. This makes her angry sometimes. Because it divides my attention between writing and talking to her. This attitude has created problems for me, and we even went sad for days because of this.

But then I realized and improved my relationships by giving her full attention. I have made it my habit to look at people who talk to me and leave work.

Wrapping up

Some factors work against our relationships. We overlook them or take them for granted, even after sometimes, we take each other for granted. But this attitude is fatal for relationships.

Neglect and shifting priorities slowly erode our relationships. Silences and disinterestedness kill our relationships without letting us know. But we can save our relationships and improve them for a better future.

We can improve our relationships by doing these five things:

  • By appreciating each other and showing gratitude for being with each other
  • By smiling, hugging, and cuddling more than often
  • By bringing excitement through fun parties and holding events that thrill us
  • By going out for dinners and watching movies together at night
  • By listening to each other empathically and responding to each other by giving proper expressions

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