5 Crucial Things You Should Know Before You Try Online Dating

Making it work isn’t as easy as swiping right.

Anggun Bawi
Hello, Love


You heard about your friend’s story about that one guy she met from Tinder, and three years later, they are still happily together.

You wonder, should I give it a try? While you love being single, you feel like you are ready to let someone new comes into your life again now.

If you never tried online dating, this idea might be strange to you. Are you meeting someone online and dating them? That would be a crazy idea! What if they turn out to be a thief or a drug dealer who eventually ruin your life?

I could hear some people scream “a big no” in their heads.

This is understandable because even in 2021, online dating is still considered too risky.

I’ve had friends who chose to stay single (one of them is in his 60s) just because they don’t like the idea of talking to someone who they haven’t met yet.

They don’t trust that such a relationship exists. Not mentioning those scary stories or just awful break-ups before the meeting in real life happened worldwide.

But as someone who’s done it and still going strong with the boyfriend that I met online five years ago, I can assure you that online…



Anggun Bawi
Hello, Love

writing on trauma, dating and relationships - in the hope that you'll feel less alone on your journey | lives in vancouver 🇨🇦