5 Green Flags Your Relationship Is Healing Your Anxious Attachment Style

4. You both are willing to heal your childhood traumas.

Manuela Putz
Hello, Love


Photo by mododeolhar from Pexels

Our love lives as adults are strongly characterized by the relationship we had with our parents when we were young.

I grew up in an environment influenced by my overly anxious father and a mother who tried to balance out all the troubles that ran in our family. Our common anxiety increased when my sister was diagnosed with leukemia when she was 14.

At the beginning of her illness, her critical condition, the endless phone calls between doctors and my parents, and the constant fear of losing her determined our lives.

It took me many years and tons of self-reflection to understand that the anxiety from my childhood negatively influenced my romantic bonds with men.

I started with therapy sessions, hypnosis and learned how to reclaim my self-confidence. I found the roots of my anxieties, and even though I am not completely healed yet, I feel like my current relationship is healthy and helps me heal my anxiety even more.

Here are five green flags that your new relationship can help you heal your anxious attachment style.

1. You aren’t afraid of addressing your…



Manuela Putz
Hello, Love

Passionate Yoga Movement Teacher/ School Teacher / Living a quiet life in the countryside