5 Micro-Signs You’re in the Wrong Relationship

Red flags that indicate you’re wasting your emotional energy.

Margaret Pan
Hello, Love


Have you ever been in a relationship with a decent guy or girl, who provided you with everything you needed, but still felt like something was missing?

You know how this goes: your partner is smart, funny, and good-looking; they treat you with respect and kindness and are good at communication. And yet, you feel like something is terribly wrong in your relationship — and you can’t even understand what.

You see, not all relationships are meant to work out, no matter how well the people involved treat each other. Sometimes, a couple is just not meant to be. And it’s not necessarily about the lack of chemistry — there are other things that could be standing in the way of your relationship’s success.

Identifying whether your relationship is truly not meant to last can be tricky. For this reason, what follows are five micro-signs that can help you recognize whether you’ve found yourself in the wrong relationship.

1. Your and Your Partner’s Priorities Don’t Align

Timing is everything. When it comes to a relationship’s success, the time you meet your partner matters — because different timing equals different…



Margaret Pan
Hello, Love

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: margaretpannmd@gmail.com Newsletter + more: https://linktr.ee/margpan