5 Of The Most Powerful Flaws That Make You Super Attractive

On a scale of 1 to 5, how attractive do you think you really are?

Tijjani Jibril
Hello, Love
4 min readAug 11, 2021


Amazed young man reading novel
Photo by Dima Valkov from Pexels

How attractive do you think you are to other people? Think about it for a second. If you answered ‘not much’ — I am here to prove you wrong in 6 easy to digest ways.

It’s all in the mind.
George Harrison

All the insecurities you have about yourself are all in your mind — or is it? Nope! All your insecurities are probably real, it’s not just in your head. People see them — but what you may not be aware of is those same insecurities could be the traits people appreciate and find attractive about you.

I believe the best way to think about your insecurities isn't pretending they don’t exist — it's accepting they do exist and they make you, you. Inside this story is 6 flaws you may or may not have that make you super attractive to people.

Clumsiness Should Be Added To Your Name

According to psychology, men, in particular, find women who are clumsy as more attractive. Maybe it's because it makes them seem innocent and youthful. Whatever the reason is, clumsiness is a blessing.

According to romantic movies, when you keep awkwardly dropping things, you have a high chance of meeting your dream partner when he comes to help you pick them up. Or have they been lying to us all along? Oh, the agony!

People like to feel needed, and being clumsy is a perfect strategy in making them feel that way. Sadly, clumsiness particularly works better for women — if you are a guy, better luck with the next flaw on the list. I’m sure you will find one that works for you.

You Easily Get Embarrassed

Are you the type of person who feels like sinking into the floor when people tease or poke fun at you? In a respectable way of course. This can be seen as a flaw — I personally possess this flaw.

People who easily get embarrassed come off as more genuine and kind because they don’t know how to hide their true feelings. This can get people to trust you a lot more easily — trust and loyalty are super attractive.

Just make sure you don’t break that trust though. You may never gain it back.

Your Nerdiness And Geekiness Goes Beyond Time And Space

Who is a geek? According to Google’s dictionary, a geek is someone who engages in or discusses tasks obsessively or with great attention to technical detail. Basically, it means you like something so much, it becomes an obsession.

I am in a relationship with the woman of my dreams and we have been dating for a couple of years. How did I meet her? I am a geek with Anime, and so is she. We bonded over our geekiness and we have been together ever since.

Yeah, some people will see geekiness as a flaw — but to the right people that actually matter, it will be attractive. If I had decided to hide the fact that I loved Anime so much, I would never have met her. Even thinking about it scares me.

You Are Brutally Honest And Can’t Help It

I'll come clean — I am far from having this flaw. I just don’t have it in me to tell people what they don’t want to hear. It is extremely difficult for me to do. But if you are the type of person who always speaks their mind, do I have a treat for you!

People are already too used to people like me — white-lie givers. They want people who will tell them the tough truth when they need it. If you can fulfill this role, you are gold. I am clearly silver.

There are times people ask for my opinion about something and refuse to believe me when I give it. Even when I was being completely honest. This won't be a problem for people who are always honest.

Being honest is super hot because people can trust you are not going to waste their time by beating around the bush. Everybody likes a man or woman who speaks their minds — they become leaders and leaders are attractive.

You Take Things Slow. Like My Baby Crawls Faster Than You Slow

I definitely possess this flaw. How do I know? This article took me 3 days to write. But apparently, that is attractive. Right?

Well, if you have read up to this point, I must have done something right with the article and my 3 days weren’t a waste. If you are anything like me, you’ll overthink things to the point of almost not doing them at all. Why is that attractive?

If you have a lot of things going on in your mind then you probably are a deep thinker. You like to look at every aspect before making a move. You are extremely strategic. Not everybody will find this attractive but people that are like you will.

Slow and steady certainly wins the race with a lot of things. It’s kinda funny how this holds true for everything except actual races.

If you possess one or more of these flaws, chances are there is somebody out there who loves to see you smile. It’s now your job to find them. Good luck with that!

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Tijjani Jibril
Hello, Love

I try my very best to share every little thing I have learned or will learn that I believe will be of value—and also tie them to my experiences!