5 Reasons Why Getting Back With Your Ex Is a Terrible Idea

Feelings and hearts can be broken easily

Margaret Pan
Hello, Love


Photo by Henri Pham on Unsplash

You’re at the place when you and your ex first met. You see someone crossing the street wearing your ex’s favorite shirt. And as if that weren’t enough, ‘your’ song starts playing on the radio. And, you can’t help but think,

“Would it be so bad if I reached out?”

When it comes to dating, rekindling things with an ex is something each and every one of us has thought about at one point or another.

Actually, If I had a dollar for every time a friend of mine asked me whether they should get back with their ex, I would probably be richer than Bill Gates right now. Yeah.

The thing is, in most cases, the idea of getting back with an ex is coming from a place of loneliness than true regret. The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t, right?

But, rekindling things with an old flame, can be very problematic. And of course, a total waste of time and energy. Here’s why.

1. If They Did Something Once, They’ll Probably Gonna Do It Again

“Should I get back with my ex, even though they cheated on me/abused me/ignored my needs/flirted with other people?”



Margaret Pan
Hello, Love

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: margaretpannmd@gmail.com Newsletter + more: https://linktr.ee/margpan