5 Signs You And Your Partner Want Different Things

If your dealbreakers don’t match up, it may be time to reevaluate your relationship.

Dayana Sabatin
Hello, Love


Last Wednesday, I was getting ready to go for cocktail hour with a girlfriend. I was excited; I knew she had tea to spill, as the kids say.

Our weekly cocktail hour meetups are a highlight of my week. We talk about what we’ve been up to, things we’ve watched lately, what new snacks I found at Trader Joe’s, and of course, we talk all about dating.

That particular day we discussed her somewhat new relationship. It’s been going well; they’ve been dating for a while, exchanged ‘I love yous’ and spent the bulk of their time together. However, there are a few issues.

“We get along so well. But, there are just these things we disagree on that feel little now, but I know will be a problem in the grand scheme of things. Is it worth trying to make a relationship work when we both want different things out of life? Even if we care so much about each other?”

Cocktail hour turned into dinner, and before we knew it, hours had gone by, and we were still discussing this topic.

Read on to see the 5 signs that show you and your partner want different things and what you can do about them.



Dayana Sabatin
Hello, Love

I write about wellness, self-improvement, and dating. Published in Business Insider.