5 Signs You Are Loved

These tell-tale signs aren’t always obvious.

Ria Vanessa Caliste
Hello, Love
2 min readMar 15, 2023


Photo by Elias Maurer on Unsplash

A key need of all human beings after having basic needs of food and shelter fulfilled is to receive love.

Most times the greatest pain we endure is the loss of a loved one to death, divorce, separation or a break up. The heart truly breaks as you mourn the loss of the person.

It is hard to love again.

It sometimes is hard to love in the first place when you may have never truly experienced love. Love seems unreal and non existent, especially when life has dealt us some painful memories.

So even at times when you are faced with love you may not know it.

Love is not a feeling, but a principled decision to care for and seek the best for someone.

At times, as humans we can hurt those we truly love unintentionally, but true love have these key tell-tale signs if you look carefully:

You see the person as they are — faults, the good and bad, yet love anyway — True love is not a fairy tale of a perfect person. It is seeing your good, bad, annoyances and still loving you.

Love is unconditional — True love doesn’t attach conditions to love. Loving someone unconditionally means that you don’t receive love based on something you do or don’t do. It is always there and consistently even when there is a disagreement. Love continues to be present in all circumstance and doesn’t hinge for one moment on you fulfilling any requirements.

They see the best in you and seek your best interest all the time — Love sees you at your best, even when you feel the worse. Love seeks to encourage, comfort and guide. Rather than criticize, hurt, and discourage.

They encourage your personal growth and development -they are not scared of you shining. They want you to be the best you possibly can be. True love pushes you to be the best possible version of you, not in a demanding or threatening way, but in a gentle but guided path of discovering your purpose on this earth.

Love endures life challenges — health challenges, job loss etc. Leaving isn’t an option as true love weathers the challenges side by side with you. Leaving isn’t a thought, together as a team you face the ups and downs and weather it together.

The next time someone crosses your path and refuses to leave and stands by your side through life’s up and down, though they may not say it in words, by the actions they demonstrate, it could be that they truly love you.



Ria Vanessa Caliste
Hello, Love

Engaging on a life long path of self discovery. Counselor, Writer for life. Connect with me at: axiomcounsel@gmail.com or www.axiomcounsel.com