5 Signs Your Partner Is Insecure And What You Can Do About It

Insecurities kill a relationship.

Dayana Sabatin
Hello, Love



Dating someone who is extremely insecure about themselves and your relationship is stifling.

I dated someone like this when I was 17; I felt like I was walking on eggshells. Nothing I did was ever right; in fact, at times, it just felt like I was using all of my energy to ensure my partner wasn’t upset by anything I did.

I remember the friends I gave up, the fun outings I turned down, the clothes I didn’t wear because he didn’t like them. I remember the way I had to always look down if I saw a man walking by, and if the barista at Starbucks asked me my name, it ultimately meant I was a cheater, and my ex would throw a fit about it.

An insecure partner can often become a controlling partner, and I can’t imagine anything worst than the feeling of losing your freedom.

Last weekend I went out on a double date with my best friend and her new boyfriend, and it was an uncomfortable situation. One I haven’t been able to get out of my head because of how obscene the whole situation felt. I noticed a few red flags instantly, which forced me to reminisce over the relationship I had with my ex.



Dayana Sabatin
Hello, Love

I write about wellness, self-improvement, and dating. Published in Business Insider.