5 Signs You’re Unknowingly Controlling Your Partner

Have you considered you might be the villain?

Jim Sullivan
Hello, Love


Relationships are complex machines.

Like most complex machines, they’re often difficult to interpret. Many of these machines, like computers, have the advantage of being able to scan themselves to uncover any hidden errors that could be messing things up.

Sadly, human beings don’t have this advantage.

Most of us are unable to take an objective look at ourselves and highlight our own faults. Either because we’re simply incapable of doing so, or because it’s too painful. This is especially true when it comes to our relationships.

No villain ever thought he was the villain of his own story. This is why it’s not always clear when we’re beginning to engage in controlling behavior with our significant other.

If you’re worried you might be heading in a dangerous direction in the way you treat your partner, or if this behavior has been brought to your attention by others, the following might be of some assistance.

Here are 5 signs you’re unknowingly controlling your partner.

Implied negativity

According to the Office of National Statistics, couples spend an average of two and…



Jim Sullivan
Hello, Love

Putting one word in front of the other. Mental Health, Creativity, Productivity, Relationships and more. Buy me a coffee if you like my stuff! https://ko-fi.com