5 Deep Questions to Ask Yourself to Better Know Your Spouse

Go Deep…

Divine Marriage
Hello, Love
2 min readApr 3, 2023


“Women and men work together in true and equal partnership.” — Ulysses Soares

How do you know that you have a divine partnership?

A true and equal partnership.

How do you reeeeaaaallly know it?

When was the last time you planned the week together?

Created something together?

Or tried something new together?

How did that interaction go?

Were you able to rely on each other's strengths?

Most people make this critical error in their divine partnership: Viewing their spouse's strengths as weaknesses.


Because they are so used to operating one way that they are blind to the value of their spouse’s approach.

Tapping into Divinely Unique Strengths

In western culture, we’re often taught that your strengths make up for your partner’s weaknesses, and visa versa.

That ideology is false.

Any cook will tell you that salt and sugar do not cancel each other out — one is not bad while the other is good — they enhance each other and make the dish more desirable.

The same is true in marriage.

Take a step back, and watch your spouse get things done. Notice the differences in the way that they operate to the way that you operate. Ask yourself the following questions and get curious:

— Why does he/she operate differently than me?

— What lessons has he/she learned that I might have missed?

— What would I have been tempted in the past to see as a weakness?

— How is that weakness really an example of a strength overused?

— How can I benefit or learn from that strength?


And if you’ve read this far, take a second to remember your spouse’s strengths.

Lean into them.

Learn from them.

Envy them — just as you envied those strengths before you got married. Because your strengths plus their strengths can create things that neither of you could have imagined on your own.

True and equal partnership requires both of you to become increasingly blown away by each other’s strengths.

A little bit of awe, desire, respect, and the humility to take a step back and let each other thrive in your divine and complementary strengths.

You’ve got this!

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