5 Special Characteristics That Will Make Guys Crazy About You

Jesse Edison
Hello, Love
Published in
6 min readMay 15, 2023


Photo by Ryan Jacobson on Unsplash

“A lady should be two things: sophisticated as well as amazing.” — Coco Chanel

Whether you’re looking for a long-term partner, or currently have one, it pays to have the right habits to keep the attraction growing.

One vital thing about guys is they don’t necessarily know how to express what they’re searching for in a relationship.

A lot of men never really learned about expressing their emotions while growing up. So it can be challenging sometimes for them to let their partner know about their desires.

And this causes miscommunication as well as unfulfilled expectations, which can create problems.

Thankfully, I’m here to offer you an inside look at exactly how guys think about relationships. Drawing from my own experience. Below are the Top 5 Behaviors That Make Men Crazy About You:

#1: Playing Hard to Get

Ok, this might sound like a cliche, but listen up.

Typically, a lot of women (and men !) try to create attraction by putting on a distant-but- I-might-be-attracted -to-you type of act.

Likewise, they may wait some time to reply to messages (a few days) so they don’t look desperate. Even worse, maybe they’ll pretend they’re busy, expecting it’ll make a guy more curious about them.

Warning: This approach has a tendency to backfire.

It’s confusing — and he’ll at some point get sick of this stilted act.

It’s perfectly natural to show interest in him, so don’t bother playing silly mind games.

Instead, you can play a different kind of game — one built on authenticity and at the same time triggers his curiosity.

Give him hints that you like him, and be engaged when you’re doing something together. Experts find that a man starts falling in love with a woman as soon as they know that they are wanted.

Regarding the “playing hard to get” component, that means actually staying busy.

Engage with all parts of your life… your job, your friends, hobbies and interests, and all those things that are vital ingredients for a well-rounded and engaging life.

If that makes you unavailable once in a while, that’s just fine.

Richard Wiseman, who wrote “59 Seconds: Change Your Life in Under a Minute”, researched further into this.

He found that people that played hard to get gave the perception that they’re a high-value person. However, they ALSO had to be enthusiastic about the other individual to be attractive.

In this way, it placed the subject in a more balanced and attractive light.

#2: Rock His World

Essentially, you need to generate strong feelings within a guy while he’s with you. This will make him connect those feelings with you, which naturally develops the urge to be with you.

In an MIT research study, behavior researchers discovered that individuals have a tendency of transferring their emotions from one experience to the next.

What does this mean?

As an example, if you nearly had a car crash on your way to work, you would carry those upset feelings with you into the office. That previous, unconnected experience would impact the remainder of your work day.

Some call this “emotional misattribution” or “emotional leak “ — the human propensity to affix intense feelings to the closest individual, even if they had little to do with it.

Also, this means that being physically aroused can quickly translate into sexual attraction. So, if you can find a way to keep your time together exciting for him — like doing sports or something physically stimulating — then he’ll latch those feelings onto you.

#3: Encourage His Jokes

For sure, many women reacted to this advice with a cynical smirk.

But hear me out — this might just be a game-changer for building momentum in a relationship.

First of all, I’m not telling you to roll on the floor laughing at every one of his awful “uncle jokes”.

But if your funny bone is tingling from his one-liners, then go ahead and let him know.

Research shows that it is a huge factor in romantic and sexual attraction. As you already know, women are drawn to men who are funny or clever because it signifies intellect (which is an alluring trait ).

But recent research carried out by Westfield State College, University of Western Ontario, and McMaster University state that “men preferred those who were receptive to their own humor, particularly for sexual relationships.”

It’s not that he wants to be “that funny guy” … but more about a man’s desire to be valued in a relationship.

Believe me, I’ve met many guys who have “appreciation” as one of their “must haves” in a relationship. So, valuing his sense of humor is a good place to start.

#4: You And Your Crew

According to several studies, you can be significantly more attractive by hanging out with your friends.

As an example, there’s research from Tilburg University in the Netherlands and the University of California which both identified what’s referred to as “The Cheerleader Effect.”

This essentially concludes that a person‘s perception of you changes positively once you’re seen in a team.

On the surface, you could think it’s due to the fact that you’ll appear more popular or friendly. This makes you attractive without appearing like you’re trying too hard.

However, there’s one more angle to it. You see, we have a habit of classifying individual elements (like shapes, objects, and people) into basic groups.

This is mostly a hardwired survival characteristic to not concentrate solely on one thing — and instead process the entire picture. And this impulse also applies to our assessments of others.

So as a tip, you can set your Facebook (and online dating) profile photo to one with a couple of girlfriends. Just make certain it’s obvious who you are in the picture so you don’t disappear in a sea of faces!

If you’re looking to find a new man at a bar or event, get your besties to join you. Social proof is a powerful attraction enhancer, so use it to your benefit.

#5: Engage His Sensual Appetite

No surprise here. Sex is a key part of a relationship.

However, you’d be stunned — and even downright concerned — at the number of women struggling in this department.

A lot of them take for granted the power of feminine appeal to win him over.

And no, I’m not saying you need to act out an adult film.

I’m telling you to get aware of a man’s desires and what he responds to.

As an example, some women underestimate the power of a gentle touch.

Many guys go their whole lives without knowing the pure pleasure of a validating pat on the back, a hug, or other types of love.

Women, on the other hand, often experience this on a daily basis.

So making use of body language is a great means to spark his senses — whether it’s brushing against his arm or leg “inadvertently “ …

… or putting your hand on his arm for a moment.

Keep in mind, men like a flirtatious back and forward, and the delicious experience of the “slow burn.”


One final thing — there’s an additional characteristic I forgot to discuss earlier, but it’s incredibly attractive for men.

Research from Rutgers University found a one-of-a-kind psychological quality in guys called an “emotional tripwire.”

Now, once you understand exactly how this functions — and how to implement it (which is very easy ) …

… your guy will quickly get into a state of extreme infatuation.

It’s like a splinter in his brain, and he’ll be unable to think about any other women in a romantic way — except YOU.

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Jesse Edison
Hello, Love

Proud Word Nerd. Self-Help blogger. 25 years old. Currently in Australia.