5 Steps to Stay High-Value When He Pulls Away

Staying true to your morals make you high-value in his eyes.

Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love


What To Do When a Guy Pulls Away
Photo by RODNAE Productions

Do you wonder why you don’t receive the same love and care you give in a relationship? Do you feel powerless, like you’re at the mercy of someone else, feeling like you’re chasing a relationship instead of choosing it?

If this is you, stop wondering and think for a moment. Stressing over your relationship is tied to fear. You are afraid of losing him so you do everything necessary to secure your place in his heart.

You shouldn’t have to chase what belongs to you. So if you are putting in all the work and he’s throwing in the bare minimum, that means he’s either lost interest in you or he has grown complacent with you or the relationship has moved into the long-lasting stage.

However, the way you respond in the relationship has more to do with you than with him. A confident and high-value woman will not fall into pieces when a man pulls away.

Because she doesn’t base her worth on how men respond to her. She knows she’s worthy of love and won’t spiral out of control when they leave. But a woman with weak self-esteem will break down. She will start to doubt herself. She will be obsessing and stressing over him and how to get him back.



Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: bit.ly/3j0Lm9Z