5 Strange Things Women Fail to Notice When Dating Toxic Men

They take full advantage of your caring and trusting nature to deceive you.

Idris Jimoh 🍀
Hello, Love
3 min readApr 15, 2024


5 Strange Things Women Fail to Notice When Dating Toxic Men.
Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels

Dating can be exciting with the promise of a new beginning with a partner that gets you.

As beautiful as dating is, if you don’t keep an eye out for potential red flags, you’ll be wasting your time on a relationship not worth the heartache.

Some red flags are super obvious.

Others can be extremely difficult to spot if you don’t know what to look for. It is better you spot these signs during the early stage of a relationship, but it’s better late than never.

Here are 5 red flags women out there should watch out for when dating men.

#1 The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Syndrome

This is just a fancy term for “Inconsistency in behavior”.

It is a very subtle red flag to spot because you can’t notice it with how he treats you alone. The key is to carefully watch how he behaves when he is with other people.

If his behavior changes drastically depending on who he’s with, it might be a sign of underlying problems he faces with authenticity and integrity. Trust is built on integrity, so if he makes you question who he really is, that can become a huge problem.

It is super important after you spot this that you address your concerns and decide for yourself if the relationship is worth keeping or saving.

#2 False Manipulative Charm

It’s not uncommon for a man to put his best foot forward at the start of a relationship with you.

They may try to charm their way into your heart, and before you know it, you are past saving. This is why you need to be able to spot the difference between real charisma and fake charm.

A good way of knowing this is how consistent their behavior gets over time. People can’t wear false skin for too long before their true colors start to show. If his charm comes off to you as too intense or disturbingly scripted, that might be a sign he is trying to trick you.

#3 His Ex is Such a Monster

It’s really exciting to share things with a man you’re dating. The man is probably excited to share things with you.

At some point, the conversation about ex-partners will excitingly come up. I want you to pay close attention to how he speaks about his ex and his experiences with her. If he consistently paints his ex as this vile creature who is responsible for the demise of their relationship, watch out!

When a relationship fails to work out, it is very rarely only one partner’s fault — there’s a reason it’s called “partners”. You are both likely responsible in one way or another.

So if he is blaming his ex for ruining their relationship without mentioning any of his own faults, it could be a sign he hasn’t moved on yet or has underlying emotional baggage.

#4 Rushing You to Intimacy

This one isn’t a hard one to spot at all. Sometimes a man can come off too strong and push for commitment way too quickly.

Sure, it might actually seem flattering at first, but deep down, it could just mean the man might have emotional issues around Intimacy and the fear of being alone. Healthy relationships proceed gradually which allows both partners to build trust and deep love for each other.

If your man is rushing you into exclusivity without taking any care in getting to know you first, I advise you to proceed with caution.

#5 Complete Disregard for Your Boundaries

Boundaries are not an attempt to control others. They’re an attempt to teach others what is acceptable and what is not. — Henry Cloud

If the man you’re dating is taking that away from you, it’s not right. Your boundaries must be respected no matter what — and no man has any right to change that.

If he is constantly showing disregard for your boundaries and pressures you to do things you are not comfortable doing, it’s a huge sign that he may be manipulative and very toxic.

Trust your gut and choose your well-being ruthlessly — it will tell you when it’s time to jump ship before you sink your poor heart.



Idris Jimoh 🍀
Hello, Love

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