5 Tips That Will Help You Heal After a Breakup

Give yourself permission to feel and a chance to heal.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Betty Russell

Do you know…

∗ Someone like Norman? Within two weeks of his live-in girlfriend’s leaving him, he was making a profile on eHarmony. He said he wanted to “move on” and prove to himself (and his ex) that he’d be okay. He was not okay. At least not yet.

∗ Someone like Janelle? When her relationship ended it was a brutal surprise. She felt blindsided and went into shock. She started working crazy overtime hours and when she was at home did nothing but binge-watch Netflix, except when she was repainting the whole house.

Or someone like Harshan? When his 15 year marriage ended, he didn’t tell a soul. His mom found out one day when she came over to find a sleeping bag on the couch (the bed was gone) and a trash can full of pizza boxes. He felt like a failure and preferred to suffer alone than face the world.

I know people like Norman, Janelle, and Harshan. At times, we may have been people like Norman, Janelle, and Harshan.

The emotions that overtake us during and after a break-up are powerful and hurtful, yet we often don’t treat ourselves with love and compassion. When we are sick or injured, we care for…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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